Spring MVC Interviewer Question and Answer- 2025

Spring MVC Interview Questions 2025 – Learn key concepts, real-world scenarios & expert answers for job success.

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Explore the top Spring MVC interview questions & answers for 2025 and get hired faster.

1. What is Spring MVC?

A robust Java framework for creating web applications is called Spring MVC. It makes use of the fundamental features of the Spring framework and adheres to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Here’s how its components function:

  • Model: Manages the application’s data, whether individual or collective.
  • View: Generates HTML output to present the model data to users through a web browser.
  • Controller: Handles user requests and sends them to the relevant View for rendering.

Spring MVC streamlines web application development by providing a structured approach, ensuring scalability and maintainability.

2. What is MVC?

What the interviewer really wants to know: Do you have a solid understanding of fundamental concepts relevant to this role?

Model-View-Controller, or MVC, is a popular software design pattern in the creation of applications.

It divides an application into three separate parts:

  • Model: Controls business logic and data.
  • View: Manages the user interface and presentation layer.
  • Controller: interprets user input and makes the appropriate modifications to the Model and View.

One of the key advantages of MVC is its ability to promote reusable code, making development more efficient by enabling parallel workflows and simplifying maintenance.

3. Which Bean Scopes Are Available in the Spring?

In the Spring Framework, beans can be defined with different scopes to manage their lifecycle within the IoC (Inversion of Control) container. Five varieties of bean scopes are offered by Spring:

  • Singleton: Within the IoC container, a single instance of the bean is generated and distributed throughout the whole application.
  • Prototype: Every time the bean is requested, a fresh instance is produced.
  • Request: Every HTTP request generates a distinct bean instance.
  • Session: A separate bean instance is maintained for each user session.
  • Global session: This scope is similar to the session scope but applies to global HTTP sessions, typically used in portlet-based applications.

4. What Kinds of Transaction Management Does the Spring Framework Support?

What the interviewer wants to know: Do you have hands-on experience with Spring and its transaction management capabilities?

The Spring Framework is a strong, lightweight framework that offers extensive infrastructure support, making it easier to design Java applications. Among its many features are transaction management, aspect-oriented programming, and dependency injection. Spring supports two types of transaction management:

  • Declarative Transaction Management: This technique reduces boilerplate code and improves maintainability by managing transactions automatically using annotations or XML specifications.
  • Programmatic Transaction Management: Requires explicit transaction handling in the code using the TransactionTemplate or PlatformTransactionManager, offering greater flexibility and control.

5. What Advantages Does the Spring MVC Framework Offer?

What the interviewer really wants to know: How effectively can you leverage Spring MVC to improve efficiency in development?

The Spring MVC framework offers numerous advantages that enhance productivity and simplify web application development:

  • Lightweight yet powerful: Spring MVC provides a lightweight servlet container while offering robust capabilities for enterprise applications.
  • Efficient coding practices: Built-in design patterns and reusable code reduce development effort and improve maintainability.
  • Enhanced connectivity: Eliminates inefficient connections, ensuring optimized application performance.
  • Seamless integration: Works effortlessly with third-party technologies, making it highly adaptable.
  • Clear role separation: Implements the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, ensuring better code organization and parallel development.
  • Flexible configuration: Uses annotation-based directives for easy and efficient request mapping.

Similar Questions You Might Encounter:

  • How does Spring MVC improve efficiency in a development environment?
  • Can you share an example of how Spring MVC enhanced productivity in a project?
  • Why do you prefer using Spring MVC over other frameworks?

6. Which Elements Make Up the Core of the Spring MVC Architecture?

Spring MVC ensures an organized approach to web application development by adhering to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. The following are the main elements of the Spring MVC architecture:Dispatcher Servlet: Acts as the front controller, handling incoming requests and delegating them to appropriate components.

  • Handler Mapping: Maps requests to the corresponding Controller based on configurations.
  • Controller: Responds with a View after processing user requests and interacting with the Model.
  • Model: Holds application data and business logic.
  • View: Represents the UI, rendering the response for users.
  • View Resolver: This tool resolves logical view names to their respective implementations (such as JSP and Thymeleaf).
  • Handler Interceptor: Provides pre- and post-processing for requests, useful for authentication and logging.
  • Locale Resolver: Manages localization and internationalization settings.
  • Multipart Resolver: Handles file uploads in web applications.
  • Web Data Binder: Helps in data binding, converting form inputs into Java objects.
  • Model And View: Returns the final answer after holding the model data and the view name.
  • Handler Exception Resolver: Manages exceptions in Spring MVC, providing custom error handling.

7. Which Modules Are Included in the Spring Framework?

What the interviewer really wants to know: Do you understand the various components of the Spring framework and how they are used?

The Spring framework is a comprehensive ecosystem composed of multiple modules that provide different functionalities for Java application development. Here are some of the key modules:

  • Core Container Module: Provides fundamental dependency injection and IoC (Inversion of Control) functionalities.
  • Application Context Module: Extends the Core module, offering additional features like event propagation and declarative services.
  • AOP Module: Facilitates aspect-oriented programming, allowing for the integration of cross-cutting issues such as security and logging.
  • JDBC Abstraction and DAO Module: Simplifies database interactions by reducing boilerplate JDBC code.
  • JMS Module: Provides messaging support using Java Message Service (JMS).
  • MVC Framework Module: The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for creating web applications is implemented by the MVC Framework Module.
  • ORM Module: Connects to Hibernate, JPA, and other database administration ORM frameworks.
  • OXM Module: Supports Object-to-XML mapping, simplifying XML processing.
  • Test Module: Offers testing functionality for unit and integrated testing of Spring applications.
  • Web Module: Supports web-based applications by providing tools for handling servlets and web requests.
  • Spring Web MVC (spring-web MVC): A specialized module for handling web requests using the Spring MVC framework.

Similar Questions You Might Encounter:

  • Which Spring modules have you previously used for projects?
  • To what extent are you familiar with the various Spring modules?
  • Can you explain the role of the ORM or AOP module in Spring?

8. How Would You Describe Your Comfort Level with Spring MVC Applications?

What the interviewer wants to know: Are you proficient in developing and managing Spring MVC applications?

Using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture of Spring, I am very skilled and at ease while creating scalable and maintainable online apps.

My expertise includes:

  • Configuring DispatcherServlet to handle client requests and delegate them appropriately.
  • Implementing Controllers to process user inputs and interact with the Model layer.
  • Working with View technologies like JSP, Thymeleaf, and JSON responses to create dynamic front-end experiences.
  • Using ViewResolver and HandlerMapping to streamline request processing.
  • Integrating Spring MVC with databases using Hibernate and Spring Data JPA.
  • Applying Security and Authentication using Spring Security.
  • Handling form validation and exception management to improve application robustness.

For example, in a recent project, I developed a Spring MVC-based e-commerce platform where I implemented RESTful APIs, user authentication, and role-based access control. This project showcased my ability to integrate Spring MVC with third-party libraries, optimize database queries, and enhance performance.

Similar Questions You Might Encounter:

  • Can you share a project where you used Spring MVC?
  • What aspects of Spring MVC are you most experienced with?
  • How are authentication and security handled in a Spring MVC application?

9. What Does an Additional Configuration File Contain in a Spring MVC Application?

In reality, they want to know if you know how to set up a Spring MVC application.

In a Spring MVC application, an additional configuration file is used to define essential properties and settings required for the framework to function properly. This configuration file can be created in two formats:

  1. XML Configuration (spring-servlet.xml)
  2. Properties File (application.properties or application.yml)

This file instructs the DispatcherServlet on where to find controller classes and view components while also defining various application-level settings.

10. What is the Role of the Model Interface in Spring MVC?

What they’re really asking: How does the Model interface facilitate data handling in a Spring MVC application?

In Spring MVC, the Model interface acts as a container that holds the application’s data. This data is typically sent from the controller to the view, making it accessible for rendering dynamic content. The model can store various types of data, such as objects, strings, and database records.

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