End your Selenium Certification Pune Search with 3RI Selenium Training in Pune!
Considering the outsmarting spree that automation is on right now, employing the best automation testing tools becomes imperative. For any company that believes in empowering the world with automation, Selenium is the best automation testing framework that puts automation at the test. With already ample blogs on selenium and its significance, our blog touches multiple corners, such as selenium career opportunities, selenium training in Pune, and how 3RI Technologies, as your reliable training partner, helps you gain a royal entry in the technology industry!
Automation has widespread impacts on every operational process and the business as a whole. Moreover, our ever-growing reliance on automation as time is progressing makes it important for us to put automation to tests and ensure its proficiency to gain the desired results and serve its purpose. Deemed as one of the best software testing frameworks, Selenium is not only a tool but an opportunity for business owners and technology administrators around the world to examine automation and step forward to work towards guaranteeing customer delight!
The Concept of Selenium
Selenium is free, open-source software that intends to test the automation capabilities of web-based applications. It can be integrated with several programming languages, including Python, Java, Ruby, Scala, and many more. Additionally, its capabilities to work on popular operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS contribute to the applicability of this software in the context of testing every business automation process. Selenium comprised of Selenium Remote Control, Selenium Client, Selenium Grid, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Client API, and Selenium IDE. Although all these components together determine the working abilities of Selenium, although each one of them plays an individual role too!
Why Undergo Selenium Training in Pune?
Didn’t we say that automation is on an outsmarting spree? Yes, automation is disrupting human-intervened activities, and outsmarting the way humans have been interacting with various business processes. Hence, a concept that tests automation and determines its assurance is something worth learning! A lot of organizations across the globe hire Selenium professionals, owing to their capabilities of handling the technology and the practically long-term benefits that Selenium professionals offer their prospective employers. And yes, how do we forget the salary part, which is an attractive feature tethered to the successful completion of the Selenium certification, followed by a placement!
Another question here is, why 3RI Technologies for Selenium certification Pune? The answer is for an industry-specific, industry-approved course and a long-term career in technology. 3RI Technologies isn’t just a software training institute but a trustworthy platform that helps build great careers. It is your answer to all your Selenium training needs, right from counselling to stepping out with the prestigious Selenium certificate and a job in hand. However, what lies at the nucleus is the selenium course in Pune that results in everything good that happens later! So here are some insights on the course.
Check out our Selenium With Python Course and Selenium with Python Online Training Course today!
Selenium with Java
Core Java: Java Overview, Objects, and Classes, Inheritance, Packages, and Interfaces, Exception Handling, Collections Framework
Automation Testing Tool: Introduction to Automation Testing and Selenium, Selenium- IDE, Selenium Web Driver 3.0, Identification of Locators, Selenium Commands, Handling WebTables, and Wait for Commands in Selenium.
Advanced Selenium: Framework Designing, TestNg Framework, Build Tools – Maven, Reporting, QPM Framework, Cucumber Framework, Continuous Build Integration Tools – Jenkins
Selenium with Python
Python: Introduction, Conditional Statement, Loops, and File Handling, Python Core Objects and Functions, Object-Oriented Python, Exception Handling in Python, Debugging Python Programs, and Regular Expression
Basic Selenium: Selenium Introduction, Installation and Setting up Environment, Selenium-IDE, Selenium Web Driver 3.0, Identification of Locators, Selenium Commands, Wait for Commands in Selenium.
Advanced Selenium: Framework Designing, PyTest Framework, Unit Test Framework PyUnit Basics of PyUnit, QPM Framework, Installing Maven, and Continuous Build Integration Tools – Jenkins
Your search for the best Software Testing Course in Pune certainly ends here; however, this is the beginning of a delightful Selenium career that awaits you beyond the horizon of Selenium certification! So don’t keep thinking, now is the time and this is the moment! Get going today and secure your place within fast-filling Selenium Classes in Pune.
We also have Online Selenium Training