The Role of Microservices in DevOps

Microservices play a crucial role in DevOps by enabling agility, scalability, and resilience in application deployment. Their modular structure allows DevOps teams to streamline development, automate testing, and manage independent services efficiently, boosting productivity and reducing downtime. Discover the benefits of combining microservices with DevOps for optimal flexibility.

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Technology is developing faster than ever. People use the Internet extensively for daily tasks, including shopping, banking, and medical care. Due to this, service providers must meet this constantly rising customer demand, which, in addition to:

  • Changing needs of the user
  • The ever-difficult security environment

This compels service providers to switch from traditional software development methodologies to Agile and DevOps techniques, enabling them to adjust to evolving demands promptly.

Another trend is microservices-based architectures, which build applications as multiple loosely connected services. This article’s subject is the role of microservices within the DevOps methodology.

Microservices and DevOps: Making Change Together

Modern application developers typically welcome the changes brought about by a microservices-based architecture. When businesses embrace change, they find that productivity is rising at an astounding rate and that customers who need flexible, scalable apps can get their requests fulfilled much faster. Microservices have several important advantages for DevOps workers, including:

  • Deployability: Microservices’ enhanced agility facilitates the deployment of new service versions, enhancing its deployability—shorter cycles for development, testing, and deployment cause this agility. Additionally, microservices can offer the adaptability required to use security, replication, persistence, and monitoring configurations unique to each service.
  • Reliability:Failure of a microservice affects only that microservice and its users. If a monolithic application has a bug, the monolith might not work.
  • Availability: In a monolithic application, updating a service version usually requires restarting the monolith; however, updating a particular microservice only causes minor downtime.
  • Scalability: Pools, clusters, and grids are tools microservices can use to grow independently. Microservices’ deployment feature makes them perfect for the cloud’s elasticity.
  • Modifiability:The flexibility to include new frameworks, libraries, data sources, and more is a crucial feature of microservices. Microservices, which are modular components with loose coupling, are easier to work with and enable dynamic discovery and binding through a registry.
  • Management: Microservices can benefit from the agile technique, which divides the task of developing an application into smaller, more autonomous teams.

Because microservices use a standard toolbox for operations and development, they boost DevOps productivity. This common toolkit creates processes for needs, dependencies, issues, and common language. It consequently facilitates communication between Devs and Ops, enabling those parties to collaborate on an issue and effectively resolve a build configuration or script. Microservices and DevOps perform best when used in combination.

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DevOps Basics

The method companies use to develop, deploy, and maintain software has changed dramatically with the advent of DevOps. DevOps transforms the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC) into a more cooperative procedure. A DevOps team comprises cross-disciplinary team members who contribute their unique skills to the DevOps process; unlike the traditional SDLC, the Dev, QA, and Ops teams are viewed as distinct autonomous entities.

As a result, the DevOps team is far more adaptable and can better communicate with bigger teams like QA and Dev. In the end, this results in a development environment that is quicker, more agile, more effective, and has predictable update cycles and deployments.

Furthermore, DevOps makes it possible to develop SaaS business models, allowing companies to generate ongoing income while providing a stable, updated service that constantly improves. An organization can get numerous advantages from implementing DevOps. But to reap those rewards, you must apply DevOps correctly using standardized ideas and appropriate DevOps tools like:

  • Automated examination
  • Ongoing incorporation
  • Platforms for continuous delivery

Combining Software Development with DevOps

The fundamental elements of management and development will not change. However, the technological stack you employ in a given application will vary based on your:

  • The audience
  • Platform
  • requirements from both the internal and the external

Here, we’ll review the essential topics to consider when building a DevOps pipeline.

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Version Control

Version control is the foundation of any process in DevOps. Code repositories like Bitbucket, Azure Repos, GitLab, and technologies like Git make source code management more accessible than ever. With version control over the application, these solutions let developers work together without interfering with one other’s work.

The DevOps process now includes version-controlled repositories for managing database code as well. One way to summarize version controlling is as follows:

  • Lowers the number of code conflicts
  • Improves development’s efficiency and visibility
  • Makes it simple to revert to earlier versions in case of


Since DevOps depends on automated chores for speedier development, automation is the second important factor to consider. Automating repetitive manual processes is necessary for the DevOps team, and they should always search for new tasks to automate.

For example, automated technologies like Cucumber, Selenium, and Appium can significantly assist the application testing phase because they allow users to automate most test cases.  Moreover, automation

  • Lowers the likelihood of human mistake
  • Cuts down on time spent on tedious work
  • Allows team members to concentrate on more crucial issues

Deployment Strategy

The deployment strategy is the next thing to think about. With the increasing popularity of cloud-based apps and all the benefits of cloud-based deployments, most DevOps deployment stages aim to create highly available and scalable cloud infrastructure.

One of the things driving this move to cloud-based deployments is containerized apps. With the help of containers, users may build portable, separated application environments with all the dependencies needed to deploy anywhere. Platforms such as Rancher and Kubernetes offer robust orchestration features for containerized deployments. Automating software deployments and packaging is also quite crucial in this case. Organizations can build a pipeline covering every SDLC stage with a version-controlled, automated DevOps pipeline and an appropriate deployment strategy. Now that we know the main elements of a DevOps pipeline let’s examine how microservices impact each aspect.

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Microservices Overview

A distinct approach to development from traditional monolithic programs is microservices architecture (where the entire application is reviewed and developed as a single entity). Different loosely coupled services make up the application thanks to the microservice architecture.

As an illustration, let’s look at an online marketplace:

  • The entire platform, including payment processing, shopping cart functionality, and inventory management, is designed as one unit in the conventional development process. Development and deployment co-occur for every modification.
  • However, the application will be divided into separate services (payment, shopping cart, and inventory management services) using the microservices design, allowing them to be created and implemented separately. This method lessens their influence on the application by isolating any problems with that particular service.

Microservices-based applications benefit significantly from the DevOps method since it makes development simple, offers smooth updates, and handles individual services without running the risk of the entire program failing.

Role of Microservices in DevOps

Let’s look at a DevOps pipeline to create a microservices-based application and better understand the function of microservices in DevOps.

Microservices initially alter the way companies approach development. Since everything has been divided into discrete services, development teams may be split to concentrate on each service.  The development will, therefore, have a more manageable scope and adaptable development methodology.

Overall flexibility

This adaptability enables DevOps teams to handle problems efficiently. For example, the development team can address a production bug and deploy the fixed service with minimal downtime and no impact on other services’ SDLC. Additionally, developers can create and implement any new features that a service needs without impeding the work of those developing other services. The decoupled design streamlines the development and testing process and allows for independent service modification.


Containerization is another component that improves and adds to microservices-based systems. While optimizing the continuous delivery process, packaging each service as a container image minimizes complexity.

With all dependencies and requirements contained within the container, services can function as independent entities. As a result, the services can communicate with any other system and become reusable and system-agnostic.

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APIs are an additional component that enhances microservices. Users utilizing decoupled services want a reliable means of communication to exchange information amongst services.

With the help of APIs, developers can securely harden their services, provide an interface compatible with all platforms, and only expose the pertinent endpoints and data. This becomes an issue when developing system-agnostic reusable services.


Automation comes next. A microservices architecture allows for the automating of most tasks related to testing, packaging, and deployment for individual services. Every service has its own DevOps pipeline, so problems with one automated operation don’t impact the others. Additionally, feedback loops get significantly shorter when using the streamlined codebase to address defects.

Microservices work best with automation during the deployment and maintenance phases. Upon completion of testing and uploading the container image to a container registry, the deployment procedure will initiate an automated operation to launch the service as a container. Streamlining the deployment process involves removing the need for specific network setups or prioritizing dependency management.

Enhanced Accessibility and Flexibility

Finally, service containers placed in clusters and managed by an orchestration platform automatically improve the application’s availability and scalability.

  • It is possible to promptly swap out a malfunctioning service container for a new one.
  • It is possible to build a new container to handle a spike in demand if a service is experiencing a high load.

This makes it possible to implement scale-out techniques without depending on prohibitively expensive scale-up strategies based on resource increases.

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Microservices are Ideal for DevOps

Microservices help DevOps by improving application quality and efficiency, expediting the DevOps process, and transferring development to a flexible architecture. This results in creating cloud-native apps that may satisfy any user requirement.

The Bottom Line

Organizations may innovate swiftly and cost-effectively by combining DevOps and microservices. Agility and production are increased as a result. Microservices boost DevOps productivity in modernizing legacy applications since you may utilize the same toolkit for development and operations. You can use it to highlight concepts and processes comparable to restrictions, dependencies, and needs. Dev and Ops may collaborate effectively in this fashion. A company that doesn’t use microservices to supplement DevOps may suffer from adverse effects and competitive disadvantages. Speak with an expert to discover more about how DevOps and microservices can help your company improve its procedures and expand. For Job Oriented courses Visit 3RI Technologies

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